Eat the rainbow

Eat the rainbow
Eat the rainbow

Tuesday 25 February 2014

fat fear epidemic

Many of you might have noticed that I have increased my fat intake A LOT and reduced my carb intake. I used to eat 10 fruits a day because my sugar craving was so high, now I only eat fruit some days a week and I eat a lot of berries a day.My continuous fruit eating was just to satisfy my constant sugar craving. I don´t know why I never thought of getting rid of my sugar craving from the beginning. 
I guess I was to lazy.

I was very shocked when, during a nutrition class about fat metabolism, I found out that "FAT DOES NOT MAKE YOU FAT" , as it goes against all the principles I had learned so far in my life. My whole life when I saw people dieting I saw them "living" on fruit and low fat yogurts. And when I used to spread thick layers of butter on my sandwich as a child the first reaction I got from people was: You are going to get so fat if you keep on putting so much butter on your sandwich. 

So I wanted to explain a little the Theory behind LCHF.  To do so we have to undertand both the carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. 

  Carbohydrates are digested in: mouth and in the small intestine, where they are slowly broken down from polysacarides to monosacarides like ;  galactose, glucose and fructose that can be absorbed transported into the body through the blood. 
Galactose is transformed to glucose. 
High blood glucose levels stimulate the secretion of insulin, a hormone that stimulates the cells uptake of glucose, reducing the amount of glucose in the blood stream. Glucose provides the cells the energy they need in that moment, and excessive glucose is stored as body fat. Insulin is a hormone that STOPS fat metabolism. When the cells have taken up the glucose level, the blood sugar is lowered and  we feel hungry again. (This takes 2-3 hours). 
 Fructose is metabolized directly by the liver to body fat and liver glycogen store, does not influence the blood sugar level and does not stimulate insulin secretion. 

If you lower your amount of ingested carbohydrates, the levels of blood glucose and secreted insulin in the body will decrease, and the fat metabolism will carry on. The body will use stored energy, like glycogen and fat. It will use fat instead of the sugar as fuel. The body will adjust itself to high fat burning when you avoid carbohydrates and no insulin is produced in the body either.

This is also the reason why sumo wrestlers have a high carbohydrate intake and a very low fat intake .Their fat intake is been 12% and 9%!!!!

A high fat diet stimulates the release of the hormone LEPTINE, one of our satiety hormones. This hormone,unlike the others, makes us feel full for longer and does not make us crave sweet/sugary food. 

There are many studies that promote a LCHF diet, where weight loss is not the only benefit.
A study from Harvard university shows that if you eat LCHF you burn approximately 300 more calories during resting.
Micraines are reduced, sugar cravings disappear, 
Other benefits apart from fat loss are also a  REDUCED RISK for : cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, caries, and high cholesterol. 

Since I started eating lchf my anxiety is completely gone, ( I have not taken any of my anxiety pills!) I feel a lot more energetic. I actually look forward for my day to start, I feel happy deep inside and my achne is gone. I have always  had a bad and oily type of skin and I have slept with achne removing face masks the past 8 years of my life! 


  1. Hey, i was just wondering about your studies since they seem like something i would like to study. So you study in sweden, wher ther and in what language?

  2. Oh and i also like your blog and instagram, you seem like such nice and positve person!:)
