Eat the rainbow

Eat the rainbow
Eat the rainbow

Monday 10 February 2014

Get rid of your sugar craving !

Many of you have asked me how I managed to get rid of my sugar addiction in just a few days so I decided to make a blog post about it,  that hopefully will be able to help others. 

Already as a child I was addicted to sugar, my mum used to say "having you and sugar together is like having a dynamite".I used to cry and literally get hysterical if I did not get my daily intake of 100g of white chocolate.  I used to eat something with sugar after every meal and to every snack. I ate cookies and ice cream for breakfast. I could never have only one slice of cake and one slice always led to an other. I even dreamed of chocolate and cakes at night ! 

So two weeks ago, I was tired of the situation I found myself in, and decided that it was time that I made a few changes:  

1. I got rid of all sugar containing things inside my kitchen.

2. I stared taking 1 teaspoon of spirulina every day in a glass of water 30 minutes before eating lunch. 

3.  I stopped sweetening my tea with stevia and started drinking only green tea.

4  I also increased my fat and protein intake and lowered my carbohydrate intake. I ate berries and fresh coconut instead of fruit, hid the protein bars inside my brothers room and bought a LOT of quark, eggs,cheese, nuts, nut butters (almond and peanut) and coconut oil  that I filled the kitchen with. I ended all my dinners  with a few slices of mature cheese and a few tbsp coconut oil or almond butter. 

5. I bought a lot of packages of chewing gum.

And do not expect the sugar craving to disappear over night! 
The first three days were horrible. I cried and cried and cried for everything. I argued with everyone and  I felt as if everyone was against me. So many times I wanted to run to the supermarket to buy some Ben & Jerry ice cream or just a few chocolate chip cookies.  I was anxious and I even shaked at times because all I could think of was a way of getting to the supermarket alone so that I could buy sugary food and eat it in secret. Thankfully my mum was always with me, guarding me and controlling me. When my sugar craving was worst I chewed gum and headed of the gym. 

After 5 days I became "human" again. My craving for sugar was gone and I started taking protein powder again. Now I eat sweet (no white sugar, only stevia as a sweetener) only once a day because baking is therapy and not because I crave something sweet. I still drink my spirulina drink before lunch and eat high fat and high protein.

 I will now start reintroducing root vegetables, fruits and protein bars. I am truly enjoying benefits (both physical and psychological) that a high fat diet has given me. 
I have never been able to sleep as well as I do now, my anxiety and panic attacks are gone and i feel happy deep inside. Physically my muscles are growing so fast!



  1. Lilli Winter (girl_gettingfit on Instagram)19 February 2014 at 11:16

    Very interesting post, thanks for sharing it! :) I also have those sugar cravings, although I think that they aren't as bad as yours used to be.. I don't long for sugar with every meal and I can satisfy my cravings more or less with stevia (or rice malt syrup although it also contains sugar, I think the long-chained sugars are better, aren't they?). Especially when I'm on my perios though, it's really hard for me not to give in and get that bowl of ice cream or chocolate bar right in my tummy! So I'll definitely try some of your techniques to get rid of these cravings <3

    1. Thank you so much dear for your sweet words. Dampening the sugar cravings with stevia, agave or raw honey does help but only short term. Because when you do eventually eat sugar (you get invited at a friends house and you eat a few biscuits or a slice of cake with her) you remind your body of how delicious SUGAR actually is and the cravings will increase. This is why I decided to be drastic and get rid of them completely so that when I do eat sugar I will not eat the whole cake but get satisfied with one slice :)

  2. Hey Lina :-) what wonderful posts you have written! And it's remarkable how well you've responded to this diet :-) maybe I'll give it a try once I'm courages enough ;-) I bet I'd cry a lot too! Sigh... sugars.... love from Lianne (instagram)

  3. Hi dearest! Your posts are very useful and interesting, can I ask you smth?
    I've read "the china study" and about 801010, what do you think about it! It's based mostly on the highcarb intake. And since I became vegan, I take fats from coconuts, oils and nuts. Sure, you, like a nutrition student, can give your opinion of that. Trust you and thanks:))
    @kurbatovamalina from IG
