Eat the rainbow

Eat the rainbow
Eat the rainbow

Sunday 9 November 2014

The best ever lemon pie !

I am a huge fan of lemon pies. When I 14 years old I always made a lemon meringue pie but without the meringue. Mostly due to the fact that the meringue always failed and became some soggy compact thing on top of the pie that we had to take off.

I made a low carb version today that is  above the description of the world : A M A Z I N G

(makes 10-12 servings)
3 dl almond flour
1 dl coconut flour
1 egg
2 tbsp granulated sweetener (optional)
90 g (1 dl) melted butter or coconut oil

8 eggs
1 dl lemon juice (juice from 4 organic lemons)
zest from 4 organic lemons
4 dl sukrin gold (brown sugar sweetener replacement. Coconut sugar, brown sugar, raw sugar or any granulated sweetener can be used)
1 pinch of pure vanilla
200g of butter or coconut oil

1. Mix all the ingredients for the base in a bowl. Flatten out in a pie/tart tin.
2. Refrigerate for 30 minutes
3. Bake for 10 minutes at 200 decrees Celsius
4. Melt the butter with the sweetener in pan. Add vanilla, lemon juice and lemon zest.
5. Add one egg at the time, keeping the heat under the pan low and whisk.
6. The filling will stiffen up and become the consistency of yogurt.
7. Pour on top of the base
8. Let it cool
9. Place in the fridge for at least 4 hours or preferably over night.
9. Serve with coconut or whipped cream

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