Eat the rainbow

Eat the rainbow
Eat the rainbow

Monday 26 December 2016

Beet salad

One of my favourite winter salads :) 
I just love the colours and I absolutely love the flavours ! This is perfect as a side dish or just to eat as it is for a light lunch.

I like serving it warm so that the cheese melts. 

400g beets, 100g goat cheese, 8 walnuts, olive oil, pepper and rosemary
Dressing: vinegar, olive oil and lemon juice, salt

1. Boil the beets and peel them (or buy ready cooked and peeled)
2. Chop the beets into slices. 
3. Stir-fry the beets with some olive oil. Season with salt, rosemary and pepper.
4. Crumble cheese and walnuts on top.
5. Make the dressing by mixing equal parts of olive oil, vinegar and lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Pour on top of the beets. Serve warm! 


En utam av mina favorit vintern sallader :)

Jag älskar färgerna och jag älskar smakerna! Detta är en perfekt sallad att äta vid sidan om eller bara som den är, som en lätt lunch.

Jag äten den varm så att osten smälter.


 400g rödbetor, 100 g getost, 8 valnötter, olivolja, peppar och rosmarin
Dressing: vinäger, olivolja och citronsaft, salt



 1. Koka rödbetorna och skala dem (eller köp färdigkokta och skalade)
 2. Skär rödbetorna i skivor.
 3. Stek rödbetorna i lite olivolja. Krydda med salt, rosmarin och peppar.
 4. Smula osten och valnötter på toppen.
 5. Gör dressingen genom att blanda lika delar av olivolja, vinäger och citronsaft med en nypa salt. Häll ovanpå rödbetor. Servera varm!


Una delle mie insalate invernali preferite :)

Adoro i colori e io adoro i sapori! Questo è perfetto come contorno o solo per mangiare come è, come un pranzo leggero.

 Mi piace servire questa insalata calda in modo che il formaggio si scioglie.


 400g barbabietole, 100g formaggio di capra, 8 noci, olio d'oliva, pepe e rosmarino
 Condimento: aceto, olio d'oliva e succo di limone, il sale


1. Fate bollire le barbabietole e sbucciatele (o acquistatele già pronte - cotte e pelate)

2. Tagliate le barbabietole a fette.

 3. Saltate in padella le barbabietole con un po 'di olio d'oliva. Condite con sale, rosmarino e pepe.

4. Sbriciolate il formaggio e noci sulle barbabietole.

 5. Fate il condimento mischiando parti uguali di olio d'oliva, aceto e succo di limone con un pizzico di sale. Versate sopra le barbabietole. Servite caldo!

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